Sunday, 9 March 2008

Writing task for session 4 - Monday 14th April

TASK: Write a piece of DESCRIPTIVE WRITING with the title "Returning Home.”
Try to include metaphor and allusion. Play with the perspective; it can be from any character’s viewpoint.

Read the short extracts from Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino and If nobody speaks of remarkable things by Jon McGregor.

OR...If you really do not like the idea above, choose one of the ideas from the link below.

Some things to remember about descriptive writing

Appeal to senses
Use imagery (similes and metaphors)
Be allusive
Reflect and make connections with life issues
Make personal connections, think about what this reminds you of
Tell a story through description
Observe closely
Find your voice
Focus on the detail and the whole
Think about tone: humour, sarcasm, joy, humility, and sadness
Reflect on how the charachter feels

Ideas for topics for descriptive writing from:

Feedback guidelines for session 3

Consider the following when talking about your writing and giving feedback:

The task was to make effective use of powers of observation and to appeal to the senses:

  • sources of inspiration
  • process of writing – where, when, how?
  • techniques experimented with
  • influences from other sources/writers
  • effectiveness of description - observation and senses evoked

Friday, 7 March 2008

Reminder for session 3

Room 202 for our third meeting on Monday 10th March, at 12.00.

Bring with you copies of everyone's contribtuions to this session for intial discussion.

Please, Madalena ("A story of the past" ) and Inês ( "In good spirit"), as you missed the feedback from last time, perhaps you could give each other feedback on your Christmas writing at the meeting.

Fantastic News!!!! We will be joined by Janice Russell from the creative writing competition in a session to be arranged very soon.

See you Monday. Please e-mail me if you cannot come.


Creative Writing Competition

Take a look at this!!!

Network Short Story Competition

The Network Short Story Competition is here – it’s open to anyone living in Portugal, so please take the opportunity to get the creative juices flowing and support this first time venture.

Stories can be on any theme, with a maximum word count of 2000 words. Entries cost 5 euros and will be judged by Jenny Grainer, writer, journalist and tutor in Creative Writing, and Lisa Selvidge, who tutors in Creative Writing in the Algarve and online with the University of East Anglia. Entries will need to be in the English language for this first year, and need to be received by March 31st.

The winning story will receive 100 euros worth of book vouchers, sponsored by Network, the Magna Carta Bookshop, and the Griffin Bookshop. The event is supported by the Portugal News who will publish the winning entry. Winners will be announced on 23rd April 2008, international book day.

For more details and application form, please e-mail,ring Janice Russell on 915 584 668,ask at the Griffin or Magna Carta bookshop,or download the form by clicking here.